- The logo of the International Year of Cooperatives and the theme “Cooperative enterprises build a better world” should appear on all materials and websites, in all publications and should be used whenever there may be an occasion for promotion of the co-operative movement (the programme of the planned events is in the attachment).

- The theme of the International Year of Cooperatives sounds “Cooperative enterprises build a better world”.

- The basic objective of the conducted activities is to widely promote the co-operative movement (public opinion, public sector, business sector, non-governmental organisations, media, etc.).

- The activities will be conducted in cooperation with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). 

- Portal www.ekonomiaspoleczna.pl will be the official patron of the celebrations of the International Year of Cooperatives (the following actions were agreed: publishing monthly press articles dedicated to the co-operative movement, preparing commentaries to the 3 events organised by the NAUWC on the occasion of the IYC, publishing information connected with the celebrations together with the logos of the IYC and NAUWC, creating a separate book-mark on the website www.ekonomiaspoleczna.pl dedicated to the IYC and publishing weblinks to the NAUWC website, www.zlsp.org.pl, and to the website of the Co-operative Development and Promotion Agency, www.spoldzielnie.org.pl). In exchange, the NAUWC will publish the information about the patron on brochures, posters and other publications and will help to edit all texts and materials. Moreover, the logo of the portal will appear on the websites of the NAUWC and the Co-operative Development and Promotion Agency.

- Patronage cooperation with regional and national newspapers (interviews, press articles and publications) – talks with Polskapresse concern will be completed in January.

- The official inauguration of the International Year of Cooperatives in Poland will take place in the Presidential Palace and will be attended by Mr Muhammad Yunus, Nobel Peace Prize Winner of 2006. The ceremony, which will be organised in cooperation with the United Nations Development Programme, will be followed by the expert panel dedicated to the co-operative issues.

- The Polish Social Economy Meetings will constitute the most important event of the IYC in Poland. The Meetings will be organised by the NAUWC in Krakow in October 2012 and will be dedicated to the co-operative issues.

- Events open for the wide audience should take place in every region (e.g. fairs, conferences, picnics or open meetings,) for instance on the occasion of the International Co-operative Day, when the press materials promoting co-operatives in a given region will be published. The Directors of the Regional Offices will be obliged to prepare the programmes of events in their regions, on the basis of which the detailed programme of the implementation and promotion of those events will be prepared.

- Participation in the European events organised on the occasion of the IYC (e.g. the Cooperative Week in Brussels or ICA Expo in Manchester). We should make sure that those events will be promoted in the Polish press (e.g. by publishing materials on the global co-operative movement).

- Participating in the events organised by the National Cooperative Council and other partners on the occasion of the IYC.

- The programme of the IYC events (internal as well as external) constitute an attachment to this document.

IYC 2025 logo




logotyp Coopedia




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